Our Shining Faces


No child is ever turned away from the gates of the orphanage, many of the boys and girls are orphaned outcasts. Extreme poverty drives widowed or abandoned single parents to give up their beloved children. The Oscar winning film Slumdog Millionaire captures the extreme poverty and hardship suffered by countless children in India’s cities. Many of the orphans have heartbreakingly sad stories to tell where they have at tender ages worked in the sweatshops of Salem and survived alone on the streets.

The orphanage is a true sanctuary for these damaged and frightened children and once they settle into the routine of extended family life, they flourish in the security of this happy and loving environment. From now on, fun and laughter will play a big part in their upbringing, indeed laughter resonates from every corner of the playgrounds and buildings used by them.

Each child needs a sponsor, only 50% of children enjoy sponsorship, so funds are stretched to the limit to support the needs of all the children. Just £20 per month helps to clothe, feed and educate a child and you can certainly sponsor more than one child at a time or make a one-off larger donation.